Seeing Beauty All Around Us
Time to read 3 min
Time to read 3 min
In a world that can feel overwhelming, it's important to seek out sources of beauty, wonder, and inspiration. When our daily routine is affected in ways we’ve never experienced before, we look for things that contribute to our sense of order and calm. Taking the time to soak up the beauty that surrounds us is grounding and reassuring. Fortunately, these sources are all around us - in the natural world and in human-created art. Beauty in nature provides a comforting setting to process the disorder that may surround us. Beauty in art lets you create your own sanctuary or oasis of tranquility. When we slow down and immerse ourselves in the beauty all around us, it has the power to lift our spirits, soothe our souls, and infuse our lives with more positivity.
There's something almost magical about spending time in nature. Whether it's taking a quiet stroll through a serene forest, watching the sun set over the ocean, or simply stepping outside to admire the flowers blooming in your own backyard, connecting with the natural world has a remarkable ability to calm the mind and uplift the heart.
Part of what makes nature so powerful is its inherent, unfiltered beauty. The vibrant colors, graceful forms, and intricate patterns that we see in the natural world aren't the result of human design or alteration - they simply are. This pure, authentic beauty has a way of reminding us of the deeper rhythms and cycles of life and helping us feel more grounded and connected to something greater than ourselves.
When we take the time to fully immerse ourselves in nature's splendor, we often feel a sense of awe and wonder. This sense of awe has been linked to increased feelings of humility, gratitude, and transcendence - emotions that can counteract the anxiety, cynicism, and disconnection that often characterize modern life.
Just as the beauty of nature can have a positive influence on our well-being, so too can the beauty of art. Whether a painting, a sculpture, music, dance, or literature, art has the power to touch our hearts, expand our minds, and inspire us to see the world in new ways.
When we engage with art, we're not just passively consuming it - we're actively using our senses, emotions, and intellect to interpret and respond to what we're experiencing. This process of interpretation and response can be incredibly fulfilling and rejuvenating. As we immerse ourselves in a work of art, we may find ourselves transported to a different time or place, or filled with a sense of wonder, joy, or contemplation.
Art also has a unique ability to capture and express the human experience in all its complexity. By engaging with art, we're not just appreciating its aesthetic qualities - we're also connecting with the thoughts, feelings, and perspectives of the artist. This connection can foster greater empathy, compassion, and understanding, as we're invited to see the world through someone else's eyes.
One of Sorrel Sky Gallery's artists who is deeply moved by the beauty all around her, is Star Liana York. See how the power of beauty in nature influences her and how she turns that inspiration into art that you can enjoy in your own home, in your own sanctuary of calm.
“I don’t think it’s ever a good idea to sacrifice artistry for accuracy.”
Since moving to the Southwest in 1985, Star Liana York has been creating a vast body of work that reflects her interest in the people, animals, environment and history of the region. A continuing source of inspiration for her bronze sculptures comes from exploring the native peoples of the Southwest and the mythology of ancient sacred sites. She is an avid horsewoman, riding daily on her ranch near Abiquiu, New Mexico, where she finds inspiration surrounded by the vast open vistas.
“Nothing is more exhilarating than riding the nearby trails. After a day’s work, or on the weekends with friends, I’m always stimulated by the beauty of the landscape, the resident wildlife, and of course the horses. And a sunset ride … magnificent!”
Here are several of Star’s pieces as seen in our Durango and Santa Fe galleries. Imagine them in your home. Explore her collection on our website. Talk to one of our art advisors about our “art on approval” program. Ask about our Photoshop services to see what a piece would look like in your home.
Join Star as she gives you a tour of her studio and discusses her inspiration, process, technique, and her horses.
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