Art Collecting DO'S and DON'TS - Part 1
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
Acquiring and enjoying art that you personally connect with is satisfying and enriching. Art collecting, the actual act of starting and building a collection, is what most art lovers dream of doing. But, the art collecting journey can be overwhelming and perplexing. At times, it may seem there's a swirling mist of complexity surrounding this process. Some worry that it simply isn't within their budget. Others wonder "who" "what" and "where."
So, how do you acquire art, or more specifically, how do you start art collecting ... while keeping it fun, and maintaining a long-term goal? We have answers and we're sharing them with you. In each segment of our 4-part Art Collecting DO'S and DON'TS series, we'll cover 3 Do's and 2 Don'ts. We hope you'll feel empowered and inspired to make your art-collecting dreams a reality!
In Art Collecting DO'S and DON'TS - Part 1 our focus is on staying true to you, building relationships, and avoiding the 'everyone-else is-buying-it' syndrome.
Yes, educate yourself as much as possible ... but, buy what YOU like, what speaks to YOU. Look for artists that are new to you or that you have long admired. Look for art that resonates with who you are, where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going. Art collecting should amplify who you are, not diminish!
Be open to expanding your art collecting search to include what you may be curious about, but hesitant to investigate. Avoid confining yourself to the same artists, genres, or mediums. Think about who you may be sharing this collection with over time.
Take time to select well-respected and established galleries. Create a relationship with a member of their personnel, someone who is both knowledgeable and pleasant to work with, and who is also interested in building a relationship. Those connections will go a long way in making your art-collecting journey enjoyable and rewarding. If you feel disrespected by a gallery and its team, simply move on. You are the client, and deserve to be treated with dignity and courtesy every step of the way!
The 'everyone-else is-buying-it' syndrome can be hard to resist. When art collecting, avoid the impulse to follow others as they pursue a current trend or ‘hot’ artist. And while it might be tempting, the final result will not be a collection that reflects who you are. Nor will the process of creating your art colllection be nearly as satisfying and fulfilling as following your own path.
Paintings that measure 12x12 or smaller make for a fantastic starting point as you begin art collecting. Galleries often dedicate a section of wall space to these tiny gems. For the more established collectors, hanging several of them in the 'gallery wall' style creates a dynamic, impactful display. Bronze sculptures are also often available in smaller sizes. Some can fit in your hand, grace a side table, or guard the books on a shelf. When grouped together, miniature or maquette-size sculptures can create dynamic centerpieces.
Are you feeling a little more inspired? A bit more confident? Ready to take your first steps in art collecting? Art Collecting DO'S and DON'TS - Part 2 will cover making a commitment, "on approval" buying, and staying limitless.