Floral painting. flowers. sorrel sky gallery. marlin rotach.

Flowers, Always, and Always


Time to read 1 min

Claude Monet. Sorrel Sky Gallery. Online Art Gallery.

Monet wasn’t alone in this need. The need to surround ourselves with flowers and natural beauty is universal. That beauty, reflected in art, is as old as time. It crosses cultures and generations. It transcends boundaries and rises above words.

Various health studies have shown that spending time in gardens in bloom can increase a person's feelings of happiness and relaxation. It's also been noted that floral arrangements can improve concentration, productivity, and creativity. Flowers have been known to lower blood pressure and heart rate and speed up healing. A better sense of connectivity with family and friends can be felt and inspire positive memories. Buds and blossoms can even help us convey our emotions to others in a way that words can't.

Yes, look to the flower and learn to embrace diversity, welcome help, and spend more time appreciating the beauty of the world. 

Sorrel Sky Gallery represents several artists who find inspiration in these gifts of nature. Explore the paintings, sculptures, and jewelry of some of them here. And be sure to bring some flowers into your life, or into the lives of the ones you love.

Surround yourself with flowers

Floral Paintings

"You can learn a lot of things from the flowers."

— Alice in Wonderland

Floral Sculpture

“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.”

— Henri Matisse

Floral Jewelry

“Flowers… are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty out values all the utilities in the world.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reach out to our team of art advisors with any questions about the floral pieces seen in this blog. We'd love to see you in any of our 3 locations, where you can enjoy these pieces in person.