Why We Love Sunsets
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
The sunset. Its intangible power can bring millions of people, around the globe, from all cultures, to a standstill. Why? Sunsets reminds us just how beautiful life really is when we choose to take time to enjoy it. What can a sunset do for you?
“Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn.”
We all want to experience those moments. We all want an injection of joy in our lives, a boost to our sense of well-being. Here are a few sunsets, just for you, from some of our Masters of Sunsets.
Working primarily in oils, Stephen Day is a full-time artist living in the Southwest, where he is renowned for his plein air paintings of the local landscape, often of a sunset or sunrise. Painting the beauty of his natural environment is Day’s ‘first love,’ where he frequently paints on location using the smaller works as studies for larger paintings completed in the studio. Born in Wyoming, Day has lived in some of the most breathtaking landscapes in the West including Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Durango and Aspen, Colorado. When he discovered painting, he found a vehicle to express the unique variety and intense beauty of the land that has surrounded him during his lifetime.
“I paint almost exclusively from life trying to capture the feeling and the mood of the subject before me. This work philosophy forces me to paint quickly to get a spontaneous and fresh response because everything around us (including ourselves) is in a constant state of change.”
The sunset paintings from Jim Bagley capture the beauty and simplicity of overlooked terrains and out-of-the-way places with works that have a spontaneous, “plein air” feel. Rendered masterfully in oil with color and form that emphasizes the dramatic relationship between the West’s open sky and the land, Jim travels to places most others would drive around, fly over, or otherwise ignore. His intention is to reveal the beauty and magnificence of the undervalued or undiscovered landscape and allow the collector to share in the experience.
“My paintings are records of the places I have been. I try to go “back there” in my mind when I paint these places later.”
"No sun outlasts its sunset but will rise again and bring the dawn."