Cabin Fever
Cabin Fever
LARGE - Edition of 12
Unframed - 56" x 82"
Framed - 71" x 97"
STANDARD - Edition of 12
Unframed - 37" x 54"
Framed - 52" x 69"
We have all played the game: “Who would you have in your log cabin?”. We tend to choose our preferred cabin mate based on their storytelling, amiability or ability to consume alcohol or better still, provide it. The spirit of the game is to choose an individual who will aid with conversation or be a general upper in circumstances that can often appear drudgerous and repetitious. The English simply look for a damn good raconteur who will fit and play an educated game of cards. It is simply not in the spirit of the game to bring in carnal instincts and choose a “hot chick”.
But “needs must” and it’s no surprise that these polar explorers, deprived of warmth and primal pleasures for weeks on their expedition, broke with protocol and chose Brooks Nader as their cabin guest. After six weeks trekking to the pole, the last thing on their minds was a game of bridge.
In so doing, they would get more than they bargained for. Brooks has no filter in her conversation and is always in the very best of form. I think she would also be able to drink them all under the table.
We love Brooks and whilst I may never have a cabin to invite her to, she is the perfect dinner party guest; there is never a dull moment.
~ David Yarrow
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