Father and Son
Father and Son
LARGE - Edition of 12
Unframed - 56" x 80"
Framed - 71" x 95"
STANDARD - Edition of 12
Unframed - 37" x 53"
Framed - 52" x 68"
Antarctica is a difficult destination to get to and a difficult destination to perform in. I attribute the latter to the scale of the whole location - its humbling enormity is difficult to absorb and convey. Furthermore, emperor penguin colonies are accessible by helicopters and consequently they are well documented by anyone able to afford the fees to board an icebreaking ship.
I am very tough on myself and my biggest fear is of the mundane. I need to do more and take images that leap off the print. This image does that - largely thanks to the synchronicity between the adult and the chick. That was good fortune, but at least I had positioned myself flat down on the ice and anticipated the possibility of a little cameo moment.
The Emperor penguin stands three feet tall and is a remarkable animal in features. Their eyes are black - which, when set against their immediate black colouring around the eye, makes for a challenge. There is just enough light here however for a distinction to be clear. That helps elevate the picture.
~ David Yarrow
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