Miniature: 3.5" x 3.5" x 3" Edition of 250
Samantha was one of my studio cats. I got her from the humane society to keep Kuvo company. Kuvo came from a tree in a friend's yard as a tiny kitten. Samantha taught Kuvo to clean himself and hunt grasshoppers.
"Sammy", as we called her, enjoyed posing for this sculpture and seemed to know exactly what I was doing. She just sat in this same position and looked at me while I was working on the clay, without any coaxing on my part. She was an elegant and loving cat as well as an excellent hunter, and definitely the dominant feline in the studio.
When I originally sculpted the 3" version I donated a portion of the edition to raise funds for the annual "Sculpture in the Park" show here in Loveland.
"Samantha" has been exhibited in the Colorado Governor's Invitational, the Bennington Center for the Arts in VT, The Nicolaysen Art Museum in WY, the "American Women Artists" at Total Arts Gallery in Taos NM and the Albuquerque Museum of Art.
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