Bronze, edition of 35. 28 x 24 x 5
The design of these horse sculptures comes from the style used by American Plains Indian Tribes. They recorded these images in carved petroglyphs, paintings on their tipis, buffalo robes and in ledger books they were given to pictorially tell their stories. They depicted battles, hunts, and the movement of tribes across the plains. I thought it interesting that they emphasized the stallion build in their mounts......slim waisted, thick necked instead of the rounded, heavy bellied, pregnant profile that is distinctively mares. I believe the difference is clear in looking at how ancient cave peoples viewed horses compared to the much later tribes around the world that used horses for battle and burden. This same style can be found in cave paintings from many different continents and from various cultures, but these were done all after the horse had been domesticated and was used for great distance travel and for war.
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