No other bird has symbolized mystery and magic as much as the owl, with perceptions that widely vary from culture to culture among the ancients. But the concepts of wisdom, vision in dark places, and intuition of hidden motives are consistently present in connection with owl lore.
Example: an owl rested on the shoulder of Athena in Ancient Athens to guide her in justice, and alert her to the approach of disguised enemies. Owl’s perceived clairvoyance and acute vision give them the ability to see through masks, in order to wisely discern true intentions.
In some cultures of the Southwest, owls were associated with the soul, especially for women. Owls are aligned with moon magic, from which they get their great healing power, especially of the heart and soul. This shows us the way to connect with those deep inner parts of ourselves to discover our true heart-path in life.
Pairing with the moonstone, the owl energy is magnified. Moonstone cleanses away negativity, cultivates empathy and compassion, aids balance with the rhythms of Nature, and re-energizes mind and body.
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