Spotted Dog
Spotted Dog
Acrylic, 24" x 48"
Circa 1996
"It is my intention to convey a reverence for nature and the sentience of animals." - Phyllis Stapler
Phyllis Stapler’s paintings are nationally recognized for their reductive compositions and “flattened” forms of flora and fauna. Her minimal arrangements and decorative elements are influenced by Eastern art with their simplified compositions and sophisticated color combinations. Her monochromatic backgrounds accentuate the sentience of each animal and leave the viewer with contrasting feelings inspired by the combining of both whimsical and sober imagery.
Phyllis is an active advocate for animal welfare and rights, and her recent work has focused on endangered or extinct species, including Tasmanian tigers, polar bears, and wooly mammoths. A love of animals and concern for their welfare has informed her distinctive work.
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