Sundance And The Wild Bunch Hit The Union Pacific
Sundance And The Wild Bunch Hit The Union Pacific
Edition, 12/25. The Sundance Kid and the Wild Bunch robbed the Union Pacific Overland Flyer No. 1 in the early hours of June 2, 1899 near Wilcox, Wyoming. The outlaws used shrewd planning, steely persistence, and dynamite. Lots of dynamite. They used dynamite to disable a trestle, then the door of the mail car. Likewise, they used a couple of sticks to blow the door of the Express car. Finally, they used several sticks to open the safe and...blew the Express car to smithereens, scattering bits of wood and metal, as well as bank notes, cash, jewelry and other valuables. They gathered up the strewn loot and headed for the Hole-in-the-Wall hideout, carrying $30,000-$50,000 in valuables. Shown here are, Ben “the long, tall Texan” Kilpatrick on the left, Harry A. Longabaugh, “The Sundance Kid” and Will Carver on the right.
15" x 25"
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