South Georgia, 2018
I took this early on in the trip and I kept referring back to it because it has character and the lead players are pin sharp. Penguins head on offer a different perspective and a ground position - as always - adds stature to the subject. There was no depth of field available that day and the vast majority of the images were cluttered and messy – except, thankfully, this one.
They look a cohesive unit and there is a touch of menace to their swagger. They are clearly the wise guys of the beach. The penguin on the right may have watched the odd Joe Pesci movie. “You think I’m funny?”
Available Sizes (Framed Size)
Large: 71" x 73" (180 cm x 185 cm)
Standard: 52" x 53" (132 cm x 135 cm)
Available Editions
Large: Edition of 12, Framed Size
Standard: Edition of 12, Framed Size
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